It's the end of 2015 everyone! This has been the craziest year of my life. There was the discovery of vinyasa yoga, I started hiking, I GRADUATED, there was travel, there was Burning Man, I bought a house, and I moved to name a few! Wow, looking back on it all gives me anxiety. I did so much. I feel overwhelmed looking at it all. I am so grateful though. I have met people who have forever changed my life and lost people I thought would be around forever. This is the year that I really learned what life is all about. Okay, so I've just begun to scratch the surface, but I'm going to be starting off 2016 with a whole new sense of perspective.
This post is going to work as a combo post. I'm going to review my year (including my trip to Oklahoma and my move to Oregon, which should have their own posts, but I'm feeling lazy), then I'm going to take a look at next year and what I would like to accomplish. Let's begin!
I started the year off depressed, but trying to work through it on my own. Also, I got roommates.
This picture was taken by my love Sk. You can follow her on Instagram @ninjesama
I got food poisoning, an upper respiratory infection, and finally realized how depressed I was. I started at my yoga studio and got put on anti-depressants, as well as started hiking. I also started this blog! (It kind of looks like my year started in February! ^.^ )
Both my pack and boots look much more used than this.
That month was all about school. I also became friends with one of my best friends Jennifer. We haven't even known each other a year and she's changed my life for the better!
A photo posted by Nomad Therapy (@nomadtherapy) on
I ended up going to the Sand Dunes. Road trip by myself was rejuvenating. It always is...a couple days after its over, anyways.
Sand Dunes National Park in southern Colorado. Should be on your bucket list.
The pups loved a romp in the sand.
I GRADUATED! I'm so proud of myself! I am the first person out of my generation in my family that has gotten my Bachelor's. I also met Mr. K, a man who I am sure will be a friend for life.
My graduation photograph. This was taken by my lovely roommate C. She doesn't have social media. :(
Also take by C. Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs.
I spent most of the month filling out job applications, but then got my military disability. I was able to pay off ALL of my debt. I consider myself beyond lucky.
I also saw the new Jurassic Park movie at the drive-in.
In the picture below I was doing research for a job interview.
A photo posted by Nomad Therapy (@nomadtherapy) on
I closed on the 2nd, my roommates moved out, my birthday was on the 14th, I went to see my family in Oklahoma for Thanksgiving, and finished packing up my apartment, all while having several freak-out moments.
Jesse, Jennifer, and I tubing for my birthday.
Shed at my family's farm in Oklahoma.
Windmill on my family's farm in Oklahoma. Very noisy.
The pups were worn out from running around all day, but rode so well on the way home.
Even when my car slid off the road! O.o I'm glad no one got hurt.
A photo posted by Nomad Therapy (@nomadtherapy) on
I moved to Oregon! My car broke down, I met Mr. S, I found out best friend Sk was going to be renting on of my upstairs rooms.
First picture in front of my new home!
And then my car broke down. I'm so glad to have it back in working order!
First day trip to Portland!
Amazing Christmas present from Mr. S.
Like I said, it's been a crazy year. I expect next year might be just as crazy just in new and innovative ways. The Universe likes to keep me on my toes!
From my first "hike" here.
As we move into this new year, there's only a few things I want. The first, is to travel. I want to see Stonehenge this year. The next is to take my GRE, so I can start applying for graduate schools. Clearly, I am insane to want more schooling. Finally, I want to spend more time outside. I think that getting out into nature really has helped my sanity and I want to continue to improve. Thank you all for joining me on this journey, and here's to a whole new year to conquer the world!